We are delighted to let you all know that another exam has been passed by a member of our team, our branch coordinator Claire Dawson. Claire has now gained her NFoPP level 3 in residential lettings and property management. Having been part of the Fraser Lake team for 2 years now, we are proud at how much she has progressed forward since joining us, so she can build her knowledge to offer the best service to our clients.
This now means that three members of our team hold this qualification and our director has recently gained Property Mark Level 3 award in The Sale of Residential Property. The next step toward further training is for both our branch coordinator and manager to achieve the property mark qualification.
We feel that it is vital that all our staff are continuing their development to ensure that we are fully up to date and equipped to look after our clients, whatever they may be. If you need any further assistance with your property needs, please feel free to get in touch!
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